I LOVE THIS WORD - MINDFULNESS. Life is busy, Life is too short, and life is busy. For years I found it difficult to quiet my mind or the thoughts racing. I had to learn to be quiet. I started doing prayer and meditation as part of my twelve step program For the last 20 years I have meditated on a daily basis. It changed my life

The man Jon-Kabat Zinn who created the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction known as MBSR defines mindfulness as “ paying attention in a certain or particular way. He states to pay attention on purpose, in the present moment and with no judgement. I do not live in the past or dwell on it. I look at it for memories and I never live in the future I find that if I live in the future with expectations I usually—no I definitely get disappointed. I have learned to stop living on autopilot or on cruise control. This way I appreciate life more fully.

It helps me with my repetitive patterns or habitual patterns. I get into patterns which can be useful but sometimes these are not useful.

It is my opinion that everyone can benefit from mindfulness. It does matter whether you or religious or spiritual. Everyone can benefit.

Until tomorrow…