Do you like sparkling water? After you read this you will think twice about having sparkling water over the flat water. I have never been a fan of sparkling water. I just didn’t like the fizzy.

A study done at Bizreit University in Palestine West Bank revealed that the carbon dioxide from sparkling water makes you fat. It was found that the carbon dioxide stimulates the body to produce higher levels of the hunger hormone, ghrelin.

The increase in ghrelin makes you eat more thus making you fat.

More needs to be studied, but think twice before ordering sparkling water over the flat water. Stay with the flat water

Until tomorrow…


None of us want to grow old. Why do we age? Can we do anything about the aging process. I believe with a healthy dietary and exercise lifestyle we can age gracefully and age better than I see most aging today. I also must say that I do believe whole heartedly that the seven ( 7) lifestyles changes are key: diet, exercise, addictions, meditation, self esteem, anger/resentment and self love are key to aging

The aging process is a result of complex interactions as the environment, hereditary and lifestyle ( as above ) are key factors.

We always read about the “ new “ anti aging supplement. But what does this mean. There are good studies on some supplements and the aging process. Aging is due in fact to the cumulative oxidative damage caused by free radicals. These unstable molecules cause aging by interrupting the aging process of cellular respiration and cellular metabolism.

Two supplements have shown to slow the aging process, acetyl L carnitine and alpha lipoic acid. New studies have shown that acetyl L carnitine can slow or reverse the aging process involved in the mitochondria ( powerhouse of the cell ) in manby different tissues.

More to be revealed

Until tomorrow…


Do you do some night time eating? I think we all at one time or another have done this. It is not uncommon. Night time eating also called Night eating syndrome ( NES) has been studied and is more common among bipolar disorder than the general population. There is a classic definition for NES. It is when the consumption of at least 25% of the days caloric intake is done after the evening meal and at least two nocturnal awakenings per night.

We need to study this in depth. We do know that bipolar disorder patients have an increased risk of metabolic syndrome ( also called Insulin resistance or pre diabetes) already due to their psychiatric medications. These individuals have poor sleep and more severe anxiety issues

More studies need to be done

Until tomorrow…


A blood test called troponin levels is used to see if a patient has a myocardial infarction ( heart attack) when the patient is experiencing chest pain. A study in Austria published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology revealed a serious fact.

Cardiac troponin levels that are high but still within the “ normal range” appear to be a marker for increased cardiovascular risk, especially fatal CVD events. This is too early to see if this will effect clinical cardiology practices.

Does this mean we do not discharge from the ER when patients have high normal troponin levels ?

Until tomorrow…


Maintaining a good bacterial balance is important to vaginal health . Other factors that can affect vaginal health should not be overlooked. These include hormone al changes, sexual activity , douching, stress and diets are important for a balanced microflora of the vagina.

Earlier studies support oral administration of two species of Lactobacillus support a healthy vaginal environment. Two species support a even better vaginal microflora. These include Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC 14 which were included in this study

Until tomorrow…


A recent study revealed that eating dinner before 9 pm and going to bed 2 hours after finishing the meal significantly lowered the risk of breast an d prostate cancer. This is definitely a new thought. Eating late and going to bed early has always been associated with weight gain, risk of diabetes, and insomnia.

The changes in timing of circadian rhythm in sleep or diet are less extreme than those observed on night work shifts. This is all new information. We have always focused on the types of foods ingesting instead of the timing of the food in relation to sleep.

Further research needs to be done. The co author of the study stated this, “ Everything seems to indicate that the timing of sleep affects our capacity to metabolize food.”

Until tomorrow


Annurca apples from Southern Italy have shown to increase hair growth due to prostanidin B2. This is a polyphenol . These extracts have shown to promote hair growth and counteract patterned hair loss, It has been shown to stimulate hair growth, hair numbers , hair weight and keratin

There are many conventional hair growth pharmaceuticals. One is finasteride and the other in minoxidil. Both have side effects whereas this apple has none.

Annurca apples act as an anti oxidant. Its metabolic activity is complex but studies have shown the effects on hair growth to be beneficial. More studies need to be done

Until tomorrow…


An entheogen is a class of psychoactive substances that induce any type of spiritual experience. It is often coined at psychedelic medicine. There are NEW few books to deal with this area of medicine. These psychedelic plants have been shown in other countries to be effective for treatment of depression, anxiety , post traumatic stress disorder and even addiction.

I recently am reading a book entitled “ Magic Medicine” by Cody Johnson which I am finding both intriguing and enriching I widens my knowledge. It is a shame that more physicians and the medical community will not open their mind to this. I am receptive to expanding my knowledge. As a clean and sober man I would not personally try any of these at this time. The book explores more than 25 psychedelic medicines with a wide range of treatment possibilities for a variety of diseases.

One of my patients completed a treatment protocol outside of the United States for addiction using the plant medicine, Iboga. This West African bark uses this in ceremonies of their boys becoming men. It is one used in the ceremonies of the Bantu or followers of the Bwiti. I feel the writers of the movie “ Black Panther” touch upon this in their own ceremonies

Since the United States is in the midst of an opiate epidemic, why wouldn’t we help addicts beat their addiction. In addition it can be used with other psychedelics for patients mainly Veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress. Studies need to be done in the United States. John Hopkins completed a Phase II trial involving Iborgaine (Iborga ) for addiction Money is needed to do Phase III

The governmental administration needs to pay attention to the opiate epidemic sweeping this country and less on their own self serving ways

until tomorrow..

.It widens my