JANUARY 30, 2019 PQQ

Everyone wants longevity and youth. I do know that dietary and exercise lifestyle changes will extend your longevity. For some, this is not enough.
Everyone searches for the Fountain of Youth. The Fountain of Youth is a legendary spring that reputedly restores the youth of anyone who drinks of its waters. Tales of such a fountain have been recounted across the world for thousands of years, appearing in writings by Herodotus, the Alexander romance, and the stories of Prester John. In grade school we all learned about the Fountain of Youth attached to the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León, first Governor of Puerto Rico. According to an apocryphal story that features a combination of New World and Eurasian elements, Ponce de León was searching for the Fountain of Youth when he traveled to what is now Florida in 1513. Since then, the fountain has been frequently associated with Florida. Wouldn't it be fabulous to 'dip' yourself in a fountain of water and become youthful !

Some consumer ads in various magazines taut the Anti-aging vitamin/supplement. Is is a mushroom? Is it testosterone? Is is Co Enzyme Q10 or is it Growth Hormone. I do not think there is one essential supplement that increases longevity. It is a multitude of changes that need to be made. From seventh grade biology one may recall that every cell has a "powerhouse" or energy source. This organelle is called the mitochondria which produces energy, called ATP. Coenzyme Q10 is a co factor needed in the formation of ATP as well as NADH. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could produce more mitochondria thus producing more energy ? Now there is Pyrroloquinoline quinone, also known as PQQ. It is a factor found in a variety of different foods. In humans, the benefits reported from PQQ supplementation range from improvements in cognitive function ( brain function) to an overall reduction in internal inflammation.
Remember that inflammation is the underlying cause of most diseases. Recent published research also suggests that taking a PQQ supplement has the potential to stimulate mitochondrial function (the primary energy source in cells) and protects from excessive oxidative damage, a major cause of rapid cell aging. PQQ was first recognized as a cofactor (a component essential to enzyme action) in bacteria. It has also been examined as a potent plant growth factor. In humans and animals, PQQ acts in a similar fashion to resveratrol or quercetin (so-called food biofactors) in that it serves as a mimic-signaling molecule important to sustaining cellular functions and mitochondrial action. Both resveratrol and quercetin are anti oxidant. Resveratrol is red wine extract, and quercetin is a bioflavinoid. For animals and humans there has been a constant exposure to PQQ. For example, soil bacteria that have a symbiotic or mutually favorable relationship with plants make it. . As a supplement, PQQ has many of the same benefits as the beneficial flavonoids found in chocolate and green tea.
I have been fortunate to have more than a few patients reach the age of 100 or better.
There are PQQ-rich foods which you might to increase in case you are not consuming them PQQ is not NEW. This supplement has been cited in the literature as early as 1997.

Until tomorrow…


The poet, Wordsworth wrote these words

" God made the flowers to beautify
The earth, and cheer man's careful mood;
And he is happiest who hath power
To gather wisdom from a flower,
And wake his heart in every hour
To pleasant gratitude."

I hope that the love of human kind for flowers would be shared among those who read these words. I would hope that those who have gardens would consider Horticulture Therapy (HT) by which you can harness the healing power of plants. I know it sounds ridiculous and childish. It is NOT ! Research has been done that HT can improve mood and irritability. HT can assist in depression, loneliness and desperation for some individuals. HT can boost your self esteem. HT can become your new hobby for the Spring.
Of course in such therapy not only will vocational and physical skills be improved, but more profound are the mental, emotional and spiritual gains. I have seen HT assist the cancer patient in accepting her illness as well assist a patient with sever debilitating rheumatoid arthritis cope with her/his chronic illness.

Plants and gardening related activities is a way for me to reconnect with different types of people. It introduced me to Grass Roots movements and Free Clinics in Ithaca with 7 Song . It has introduced me to the World of Bees. The possibilities are endless. The practice of gardening and planting for me is as healing as a conventional medicine. For others, a different practice might produce the same effect. The benefits from HT are diverse. There are physical benefits as increasing strength in the outdoors as well as dexterity; The cognitive benefits range from self worth to a new learning opportunity; The emotional benefits are recalling memories. Planting brings up childhood memories of caring for the vegetables with my Poppy and picking the Lilly of the Valley with my mother. The next important benefit to me after the emotional is the spiritual connection . I feel blessed to practice free will and plant what I want. I feel hopeful that my seeds will grow into beautiful plants with flowers. I tend to plant bee friendly herbs and flowers

Until tomorrow...


I love the 4-7-8 method of breathing. Take a deep breath in on a count of 4 seconds; hold the breath for 7 seconds; and fully exhale the breath on a count of 8 seconds. I always tell the patient to start slow. First block a period of time in your schedule . For example 15 minutes twice a week are carved into your busy schedule. You will only start to the do the 4-7-8 breathing for 3 minutes out of the 15 minutes. Every week we increase the 4-7-8 breathing technique by 1 minute. In 12 weeks you will now have 15 minute of 4-7-8 breathing

Another simple introductory method of breathing is called Coherent Breathing (CD) I suggest
www.coherence.com The individual follows paced breathing at 5 breaths per minute thus allowing a gentle relaxation. I ask a patient to do 10 minutes twice a day.

Many breathing technique are used in the Practice of Yoga. One of the Five Principles of Yoga is Pranayama or Breathing Exercise which promotes proper breathing. Proper Breathing, in a Yogic point of view, is to bring more oxygen to the blood and to the brain, and to control prana or the vital life energy. A type of breathing called Ujjayi Breathing also called loud breathing is very effective for anxiety issues.
Ujjayi strengthens the nervous and digestive systems and gets rid of the phlegm. I find it best to learn this breathing in a Yoga class. This alternate nostril breathing can be difficult especially for the elderly population. There are many senior centers which now offer Yoga to the ever-growing older population. It is hard to describe how to perform this method of breathing.
Below is a textbook description of the type of breathing. I would encourage to look on line for a video showing how to perform Ujjayi breathing ( Loud breathing). Those who practice Loud breathing have a immediate sense of well-being and calmness within 5 - 10 minutes of doing this technique. This technique was taught to those who were present at the World Trade Center disaster. It has been used for Post traumatic stress disorder patients.
This consists in drawing air in through both nostrils with the glottis held partially closed. Ujjayi translates as "what clears the throat and masters the chest area." This partial closure of the glottis produces a sound like that heard in sobbing, except that it is continuous and unbroken. The sound should have a low but uniform pitch and be pleasant to hear. Friction of air in the nose should be avoided; consequently no nasal sounds will be heard. A prolonged full pause should begin, without any jerking, as soon as Inhalation has been completed. Closure of glottis, use of chin lock and closure of both nostrils are standard. Prolong the pause as long as possible; but it should be terminated and exhalation commenced smoothly and slowly. When properly performed, exhalation proceeds slowly and steadily through the left nostril with the glottis partially closed as in inhalation. One may begin to exhale with release of air pressure by lifting the finger from his left nostril, loosening his chin lock and then partially opening his glottis. Exhalation should be complete.
One of my goals for the New Year is to explore other Yoga Practices.

Until tomorrow...


John Hopkins research has found out about something which herbalists and integrative practitioners have been talking about for at least 10 years.

The oils from garlic and other herbs have shown promise in treating Lyme Disease according to John Hopkins research. This was recently publishing in December 2018. Some researchers now believe that persistent Lyme ( which I call Chronic Persistent Lyme Syndrome) and post treatment Lyme disease may be a new disorder.

A new disorder ? They fail to realize that we have a Lyme Epidemic in the United States. But nevertheless, research is now being done on herbs for Lyme and persistent Lyme is being discussed by conventional physicians. This was published in the Journal , Antibiotics. The study studied and research 35 essential oils from herbs(plants ) and fruit.

It was found that some of these essential oils were better at killing Lyme infection than the standard conventional Lyme Protocol.

Kudos to John Hopkins for publishing and their research

So you see, all the herbs I have been used are beneficial and useful I also thank Stephen Buehner for publishing Healing Lyme. Some of these essential oils were from garlic, thyme, myrrh trees, and even cinnamon bark.

Until tomorrow…



Do you dream ? Do you remember your dreams ? Do you want to dream more ? One of the most used herbs for lucid dreaming has been mugwort. There are many herbs that have been used to elicit lucid dreaming . Some of these herbs are as follows:

  1. Calea zacatechichi wich increases dream clarity; 2. The Blue Lotus which has a calming effect like 3. Melissa officinales ( Lemon Balm) 4. Huperzine A which enhances dream capabilities; 5 Asparagus Root also known as the spirit herb igniting the subconscious during sleep

I have seen galantamine not only used in treating patients with Alzheimer’s Disease but used for dreaming . This substance also can be found in two plants - the snowdrop and the red spider lily. I have seen galantamine have many physical and psychological side effects , so I do not use it a lot in my clinical practice. Other than the herbs above there are supplements which have been associated with lucid dreaming. Some of these are

  1. 5 HTP, 2. melatonin ,which may increase dream vividness ; 3. sublingual B6 and B12 for promoting dream recall ; 4. fish oils to stimulate more intense vivid dreams; and even 5 . apple juice ( although sugar ) to increase acetylcholine levels.

Consult your health care practitioner before using any of these herbs or supplements. I would also encourage to read books about Dreaming.

Until tomorrow…


27- HC also known as 27 - hydroxycholesterol can be a biomarker for breast cancer. It ahs been determined that it acts as a selective estrogen receptor modulator ( SERM), stimulating ER + breast cancer cells to grow. This was reported in 2008 when Dr DuSell reported that 27 HC ‘ may influence the pathology of breast cancer . “ A lot of research and studies have been conducted since that time. It was also shown at that time not only to stimulate cancer cells to grow in petri dishes but in mice.

I have not seen this biomarker used as much as I would have liked or observed. There has been considerable data published about cholesterol and obesity and cancer risks as discussed below

Considerable epidemiological data links both obesity and elevated cholesterol with an increased likelihood of recurrence in breast cancer patients, while statins have been shown to significantly improve prognosis. Although several studies have indicated that ‘‘Western diets’’ high in both fat and cholesterol increase mammary cancer metastasis the specific contributions of cholesterol in this process have not been evaluated. Therefore, using clinically relevant murine models of breast cancer, we show that (1) elevated cholesterol alone can increase metastasis, (2) the metastatic effects of obesity are mediated in part by elevations in cholesterol, and (3) statin intervention can attenuate the effects of a high-fat diet.

Until tomorrow…


As an addict in recovery for more than 24 years, I can recall the first month of sobriety. I lost my appetite when addicted to drugs and alcohol. I was deficient in many vitamins including vitamin C, minerals, and protein. My weight was 120 lbs when I entered rehabilitation in 1994. In the one month stay I gained a much needed 20 lbs. I gained it from having lots of sugar for the desired cravings.

Two men in 1977, Alfred Libby and Irwin Stone realized that addiction was not only a disease but also poor nutrition. For this reason they prescribed drinking 25,000 to 85,000 mg of ascorbic acid powder in milk during the day when all drugs and alcohol were stopped. They also regulated the amount of ascorbic acid based ion their drug intake amount. A multivitamin was prescribed. Eventually after one week the dosage of vitamin C was tapered.

Today I do not use this method of vitamin C oral. I will use intravenous Vitamin C and other antioxidants to bypass the gut . I also will advocate for intravenous gluthathione ( as a strong antioxidant and to rebuild the immune system) With all the research today I advocate for CBD hemp oil with NO THC. Ultimately I discuss a 12 step program, and a psychotherapist in the field of addiction.

It is truly one day at a time !

Until tomorrow…


Did you have your celery juice yesterday ? I have heard conventional doctors state there are too many oxalates in green smoothies and you should not have them. I am sure many integrative and naturopathic physicians recommend them and even have one themselves, as do I. I have never had a kidney stone problem in the past nor do I expect one in the future. First of all there are four types of kidney stones. The calcium stones which are common are of two types: calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate. There are many oxalates found in foods other than your green smoothies.

The foods that contain oxalates include the following: 1. fruits as concord ( purple grapes), blueberries. figs; vegetables like swiss chard, collards, leeks, celery; seed and nuts like pumpkin, sunflower, almonds, cashew; legumes as soybeans and peanuts; grains and coffee and chocolate.

Oxalates content of foods or those in your green smoothie has little relevance as to whether oxalate stones are formed. So please do not worry about your daily green smoothie. In actuality the more magnesium, calcium and potassium that are in the diet as in the above foods, the more the ingested oxalates will be bound in the intestines and therefore excreted through the bowels and NOT reabsorbed.

Doctors need to remember their physiology instead of scaring their patients from drinking a green smoothie !